【同义词辨析】 2019-01-02 克制sober-temperate

sober: implies moderation in the use of food and especially drink and may suggest composure under stress and freedom from emotional excess: a calm ~ disposition well-fitted to function in an emergency.   moderate克制不过度implies absence or avoidance of excess,如proceeded at a moderate rate of speed以中等速度前进)  (composure镇定不紧张慌乱implies great controlling of emotional or mental agitation by an effort of will or as a matter of habit,如maintained his composure even under hostile questioning即使在恶意询问下仍保持镇定)

temperate: stresses moderation and implies such control that one never exceeds the bounds of what is right or proper: maintained her equanimity and her ~ outlook.    equanimity平静不被扰乱

continent: stresses deliberate self-restraint especially in regard to expressing feelings or satisfying sexual desires: a nation known for its frugal and ~ leaders.

unimpassioned: may imply a subduing of feeling or passion by rationality: presented a reserved, ~ appearance; but often it connotes a resulting coldness or hardness of heart: prosecuted the case with ~ loathing.    subdue强力控制to control by overpowering,如the police subdued the man警方制服了那个人)

sober克制镇定: 表示饮食克制不过量,或在压力下保持镇定不紧张慌乱,temperate克制: 也强调克制,指从不逾越正确合适的界限,continent克制: 在感情和欲望上的克制,unimpassioned克制或冷漠: 可表示理性控制感情激情,但也常表示内心冷酷坚硬

记忆方法: 1)首字母STCU排序成CUTS,发音像克制,本身也有切割削减的意思<==克制

         2)克制的意思是能掌控胃口欲望mean having or manifesting mastery of oneself and one's appetites.